Hero photograph
Photo by Renata Jackson

Fun, facts and focus!

Renata Jackson —

There is never a dull moment in Room 1. We are small in numbers and big on learning.

Establishing sound routines has been a priority for us in Room 1.  The children now know what is expected of them each morning and are able to independently get themselves ready for our learning day. We are able to help one another tidy up at the end of a school day and prepare for home time.  Fantastic!

Our Literacy learning is well under way.  We have been completing the Sound Pack, Heggerty and handwriting.  We are learning all about the vowels and we even know how many vowels are in our name.  The children have been learning to use a capital letter at the start of a sentence and for their name and a full stop at the end of a sentence. 

For Maths we have been focusing on the strand Statistics and we have been learning how to use tally marks.  We then use our tally marks to create pictographs. "Least, the same and most" are terms we are able to use when we talk about the data on our pictographs. 

Cutting skills and developing our pincer grip when we use a pencil have and will continue to be a focus for us.  We have created lady bug and spider pictures by cutting carefully around shapes.

Congratulations to Couper, our BMX champ.  Couper shared his winning news with us - we are very proud of him!