Dear Lochiel School Whānau
As you will all be aware we are now at level 1 which has meant that we could go back to business as usual at Lochiel School. Our students have enjoyed being able to mix together in the playground as a whole school, as well as practice their Kapa Haka and sing together on a Monday collaboratively. We ask that if you are going to be longer than 15 minutes on site that you please fill in our visitor register in the office. All visitors to the school fill this in, however parents and caregivers staying longer than 15 minutes must also fill in their details. This is utilised as a tracking register and is a requirement for us at Level 1.
We would like to wish all the students competing at the Central Cross Country tomorrow all the best. Many students have shown great discipline training whilst we were in lockdown, continuing to practice in their own time, so they are able to be competitive at this event. We have been very impressed with their dedication. Parents/Caregivers are taking their children to this event and we thank them for doing this. If your child is going to be absent for the day please let us know, otherwise Summer in the office will need to follow this up.
We are waiting at the moment for the roof to be completed on the Lochiel Community Hall, so as soon as the hall is available we will recommence our assemblies. Fingers crossed it is available for our "Lochiel's Got Talent Show" or we will have to postpone this event until the hall is free.
Reports will be issued next Thursday, 25 June, 2020. Should you have any queries regarding these reports, please feel free to make contact with your child's teacher. We will be offering Parent/Teacher Conferencing next term.
Have an enjoyable week.
Ngā mihinui,
Mary Miller
Lochiel School Principal
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