Kia Ora Lochiel School Whānau
From Wednesday this week the tides again changed with Level 3 starting. We have had two bubbles operating at school with reduced staff on site. We are mindful that bubbles have to remain with the same staff. On Monday we will find out whether we will reduce to Level 2 or remain at Level 3. We will let you know what this looks like for Lochiel School as soon as we are informed of the outcome of the announcement.
I have been very proud of the staff and students who are either working at home or in their bubble at school. This is new times for us all, and I would like to give a big paki paki to everyone who I know is doing the very best they can at this particular time. Most importantly the weather has played the game, and enabled us over the last few days to get outside and enjoy the spring weather.
The students prior to lockdown were enjoying their football lessons at school with the Southland Football Association who were coming in, and teaching all the students.
Every two years we need to review our Health and PE Curriculum. Watch out next week in your emails as you will have the opportunity to review what we are teaching and provide feedback.
Finally, the staff have been regularly meeting via zoom and supporting each other. Keep safe and we hope to see you all soon.
Have a fantastic week.
Ngā mihinui,
Mary Miller
Lochiel School Principal
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