Kia Ora Lochiel School Community
I hope the first couple of weeks have gone well for you.
There is always a lot happening in the world of education. We are always seeking better results and greater achievement. Lochiel School centers around the philosophy that at the heart of good education, lies the foundation of respectful relationships and open communication. We are all lucky to be at a school where we work together for the benefit of the tamariki. Neither home, nor school, can do it alone and we are all focused on every child having the opportunity to be the best they can be.
A huge warm welcome to the following students who have started recently at Lochiel School: Jeanette Shirreffs, Luke Pasini, Amelia Wright, Mikala Wilson, Couper Walker and Noah Hall. We hope you have an awesome time with us.
It was great to see Structured Literacy being discussed on the Breakfast Show (TV1), with the outstanding success being shared for schools involved in this nationwide. Structured Literacy has made a huge difference for our learners with their literacy progress. This is due to our teaching being based on science.
We have Polyfest practice each day in the school over the next two weeks, with our Polyfest performance being on Monday, 23 August 2021.
The Thursday pizza's have certainly been popular. Thank you for the great support with your orders for these.
Please keep the Decile Review forms coming in. We have over 65% of families that have returned their forms to date.
In this newsletter you will find the link for Parent-Teacher interviews. If your child has had an IEP (Individual Education plan) this year, you won't need to attend these.
Assembly is next Thursday at 12 p.m. due to the children having specialist football training in the afternoon. We look forward to see you there.
Have a fantastic week.
Ngā mihinui,
Mary Miller
Lochiel School Principal
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