Kia Ora Lochiel School Whānau
It was fantastic watching the children work alongside Janet de Wagt last week. We will know soon how we can view the pupils art work in a public display. Huge congratulations to our students on making such great pieces with recyclable materials.
I would like to congratulate our students on all giving 100% at the Eastern Sub Zone Cross Country last Friday. Many of our students are going through to Central Cross Country on Friday, 11 June, 2021 at Dipton. We wish you all the best at this event.
Support Staff week is next week and I would like to thank all our Support Staff who assist us in making our school a fantastic place to work and teach. Norah Thomson, Summer McKerchar, Graham Scobie and Mary Taylor - we thank you. All their work supports our children to be the best they can be.
The staff on Friday, 11 June, 2021 will be completing their LETRS training for Literacy. Relievers will be in classrooms on this day and Mrs Cimone Page will be the Lochiel School teacher representative at the Central Cross Country Event due to our professional development training occurring.
Don't forget that tomorrow is a Teacher Only Day.
Ngā mihinui,
Mary Miller
Lochiel School Principal
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