Lochiel School Newsletter - 18 February 2021

In this issue

Kia Ora Lochiel School Whānau

Next Monday we hold our first Teacher Only Day.  This will give staff the chance to look at the assessments completed to date and ensure that every child has specific programming that caters for their individual needs and requirements.  If you have anything that you wish your child's classroom teacher to know before this date, please ring them.  After School Care will not operate next Monday.

The Pump Track is being utilised well with the following days being allocated per class:

Room 1:  Tuesday
Room 2:  Wednesday
Room 4:  Thursday
Room 5:  Friday

Children can bring their bikes to school, with the appropriate safety gear and covered in footwear to use our track at lunchtime.

We are currently focusing on children wearing the correct uniform.  Please help us by ensuring your child leaves home with the correct gear on.

All our camps are completed and the children all had a great time.  Huge thanks to all the parents who joined us, and worked alongside our tamariki.

Ngā mihinui,

Mary Miller
Lochiel School Principal


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