Lochiel School Newsletter - 30 January 2020

In this issue

Dear Lochiel School Whānau

What a great start we have had to the 2020 school year. 

The children are well underway already with their learning and the pupils are enjoying their new Positive Rewards system.  Each child has been issued with a rewards card that has ten circles on the bottom of it. The holes in the rewards card get punched when a teacher notices they are doing something particularly well.  Once the children get their ten holes punched, they come to me to discuss their awesome behaviour and collect a token for their House (these tokens can be viewed in the office).  They then take that card to get something of their choice from the PB4L shop on a Friday, when it is open from 12.20-12.40 p.m. at the back of the library.  The pupils are putting together ideas for the PB4L shop. We have been very impressed with the way in which the pupils have started.  Please ask your child to talk to you about their Rewards Card and how this works in the classroom. They can accumulate their cards to get what they wish in the shop.  Some things will be worth 1 card, whilst others 2 cards, 3 cards or 4 cards etc.  Once they purchase an item using their card, this then goes into a container and at the end of year prize giving a card is drawn and someone will win a chromebook.  The only stipulation is the child must be present at the prizegiving. 

Clubs will take place instead of privilege this year.  Clubs will start in Week 3 and run every second week.  If you are able to take a club please let us know.  A different club will be offered every term.  The first club options are being offered this Friday for the pupils to choose from, so if you have an interest that you can share through a club, and can commit to 2-3 p.m. on a Friday in weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9 of this term please ring us.  Each term will bring a different club.

Yesterday, pupils were sent home with their "Leadership Application For Position Forms," "Cybersafety Student/Parents/Schools Use  Agreement Form 2020," and the "Tell us about your Child" Form.  If you did not receive these, please contact the office.

As always we really appreciate your support and are here to work alongside you.  If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.

Lochiel School is going to have a brilliant year of learning.

Ngā mihinui,

Mary Miller
Lochiel School Principal


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