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Year 9 Reading Challenge
Photo by Michelle Summerfield

Year 9 Reading Challenge

Michelle Summerfield —

In Term 3, Year 9 students have taken part in a reading challenge. Despite the interruption of a lockdown the results were fantastic.

Students set a goal and challenged themselves to read more than usual and more widely than usual.  The overall winner of the challenge was Felix Robinson (9Y).

9Y Winner: Shona Reynolds

Runner-up: Abbey Connelly 

Runner-up: Zadie Tarbit

Highly commended: William Mead

Highly commended: Isaac Simons

9F Winner: Marley Dickens

Runner-up: Isla Craigie

Runner-up: Jack Guthrie

Highly commended: Sylvie Irwin

Highly commended: Mika Poor

9J Winner: Tyne Grant

Runner-up: Ned Bell-Bloom

Runner-up: Elise Summerfield

Highly commended: Aidan Dixon

Highly commended: Ben Keppel

9G Winner: Lucia Johnstone

Runner-up: Anika Ogilvie

Runner-up: Libby Barnes Gardener

Highly commended: Olive Noone

Highly commended: Andre Tichy

9L Winner: Geordie Stephenson

Runner-up: Nicole Mahongchai

Runner-up: Sophia McLennan

Highly commended: Maia Hamilton

Highly commended: James Sycamore

9Z Winner: Izzy Gazzard

Runner-up: Matai Franzbowden

Runner-up: William Reipl

Highly commended: Harry Holmes

Highly commended: Hunter Burgess