Hero photograph
Race Relations Assembly
Photo by Janine Hills

Kapa Haka update

Maia Hamilton —

Our Kapa Haka Group number about 25 students ranging from year 9 to year 13. We have been revisiting our old songs as a baseline for our new students to learn how our group works together.

We welcomed  a new tutor joining us this year called Whaea Ange, she has a lifetime of Māori Performing Arts experience and has really helped the group with blending melody and harmonies. Our School Service involved performing for the Race Unity Assembly in Term 1 after only 2 practices to showcase an example of Māori culture. It was quite difficult because of the short amount of preparation, although the end result was well received.

The rehearsed go-to set of waiata are quite well known and have been popular within primary, junior and senior school and also within the general mainstream community.

Hallelujah/Hareruia - has a focus on vocal, harmonizing, blends, volume control - it's a choral piece, song of praise.

Te Taukaea Aroha known to many as Ko Te Whirika - Energy, Fun, up beat and joyful - with a focus on relationships and friendships.  Writers - Charisma Rangipuna and Paulette Tamati-Eliffe

Tahu Potiki - Haka Taparahi - To encourage descendants to be more active in all aspects of life.