Hero photograph
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Photo by Warwick Kain

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Warwick Kain —

The Yr 13 Physical Education class visited the University of Otago’s School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences in February.

Students were given a Laboratory experience of the school. This involved students doing actual experimentation.

The Swimming flume (one of 6 in the world) provided students with an opportunity to experience fluid dynamics and drag force. Michael Phelps swam in this very flume, testing bodysuits back in 2003. Students also had the opportunity to investigate thermoregulation in the Environmental Chamber. It was a balmy 40 degrees while students exercised for 10 mins on an exercycle at 35Km/hr, students recorded core temperature increase, heart rate and blood O2 Saturation.

VO2 Max was measured using actual O2 and CO2 gas analysis. While students built up to maximum running speed then to exhaustion while comparing maximum heart rate and blood O2 saturation.

It was a great real world learning experience.