Blake Mcalevey-Scurr & Jeremy Shanks — Nov 26, 2013

The 2013 LPHS Boys 1st XI hockey team has had a good, fun year. We had an extremely promising start - our ranks were refilled with talented players, after a lot of people left at the end of last year. Especially pleasing to see was the high standard of the juniors who joined our team. After our good start and a strong season, we made it to the semi-finals, losing to King's in a close match.

The season was topped off by a great tournament. We travelled by bus to Greymouth, Dr Thompson navigating Arthurs Pass and an overheated engine with finesse (and players with full drink bottles on standby should the engine overheat again!)  Other highlights included touring the beautiful West Coast, and a variety of off-field antics (involving washing hands and dishes with tomato sauce!) We had a fantastic time, sadly missing out on a top eight position due to a strong pool. However we did manage to place above Bayfield, and in our last game the team played their hearts out. It was nice, but sad; to play the final game for Logan Park, but at least we went out on a bang and owned Mountain View.

 It was a really great farewell for all the Year 13's.

Our thanks to Dr Thompson and Mr Spronken, who got up every cold Thursday morning to make us practise, and for all your other efforts throughout the year. Next year’s team will surely be one to be reckoned with – good luck, have fun boys!