Kieran Oswald — Nov 9, 2016

I am an ex Logan Parker and I would like to tell you about my life and adventures after I left school.

I finished up Year 13 in 2012 (with a fantastic group of fellow students) and was confronted, like everyone else, with the question “What should I do now?”   In school I enjoyed the sciences so I decided to follow this interest and after some consideration and labour (to pay for flights) I headed overseas to Germany.

I enrolled myself at the Technical University of Munich in 2013 to study Physics. After a Semester of not understanding anything and failing the exams I was forced to reconsider my options. After attending a German course to bridge the time until the new university year started, I found myself enrolled in the University of Applied Sciences Munich studying engineering physics. This course suited me much better and I have successfully competed my first 2 years of study. In the 5th semester we are required to do an internship, I am lucky enough to have received a position at the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics. Here I am working with a research team who are upgrading the pixel sensors which are used to track particles in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.

My life doesn’t revolve entirely around my studies. Last summer a friend and I biked from Munich through the Alps to Croatia and next summer we have planned a 10,000 km tour through the USA.

All I can say is enjoy the few years of school and look forward to the time afterwards, it will be just as good if not better.

Kieran Oswald (Head Boy, 2012)