Sports Volunteer
Erica Stedman was featured in the Otago Daily Times as part of a feature on School Sports Volunteers.
We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of staff, students and community volunteers to run sport at Logan Park.
Otago Daily Times Feature
Name: Erica Stedman
School: Logan Park High School
Volunteer roles: Coaching
Years Spent: 6 years coaching
Story Behind: Erica began volunteer coaching as a Year 11 student while she attended Logan Park High School as a way to learn more about sport and give back to the sports that she enjoyed. She coached younger students throughout her years in the senior school in both Volleyball and Basketball, and upon leaving school continued coaching both junior and senior teams in both sports. Erica’s passion for coaching is about helping younger people enjoy their participation, involvement in sport, grow in skill and knowledge, and also facilitating great experiences for others. Erica has a strong belief that sport is for anyone of any ability. Her interest and passion for coaching has only continued to grow after she left school and she is now in the final year of her degree in Sport and Exercise Science at University of Otago and planning to do the Postgraduate Teacher training in 2023.