Heike Cebulla-Elder — Apr 14, 2021

La troisième (Year 10 French) went to the cooking room in Term One and prepared some beautiful dishes, ranging from pain au chocolat and crêpes to une tarte au pesto et tomates – the recipes came from our French pen pal class and we tried them out! C’était délicieux!

“Je voudrais un croissant et un chocolat chaud » was the sentence of the day – as la quatrième (Year 9) had their first taste of this delicious pastry – especially when dipped into a hot chocolate.

Les classes du lycee (Senior French) have carried on with “gâteau au mercredi” with amazing cakes being prepared by our students. At the end of term we were joined by four students from Queen’s High School who came for a visit to play some games and speak French with our students.