Senior Prizegiving
Congratulations to all of our Year 13 leavers and senior prizewinners for 2019.
We enjoyed celebrating student successes, hearing short speeches as well as listening to some wonderful music from the choir, the Big Bad Big Band, the orchestra, rock band Solid Merit and chamber music group The Hedgeclippers.
Congratulations to Leah McDonnell who is our 2019 Dux. Leah was first in Accounting, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Education and the top Year 13 student in Level 3 Calculus. Congratulations to Alice Houston-Page who was Proxime Accessit, runner-up to Dux.
Special Awards
Service to International Friendship - Lokesh Menariya
Outstanding Performance in Senior Boys Sport - Zack Hibbert
Outstanding Performance in Senior Girls Sport - Ella Molteno
Outstanding Achievement in Service to Sport - Ziggi Kaitai-Martin
Service to School Drama - Alice Houston-Page
Service to School Music - Lealia Devereux
Citizenship Award - Abraham Baillie, Finn McKinlay, Zak Rudin, Linea Simons
Outstanding Service to School Community - Henry Eden-Mann
Outstanding Achievement in Cultural Activities - Cameron Monteath and Casper McGuire
Award for Deputy Head Girl - Olivia Bradfield
Award for Deputy Head Boy - Matai Bowen
Award for Head Girl - Alice Houston-Page
Award for Head Boy - Finn Lillis
University Scholarships
Albert Baeumer (University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship)
Olivia Bradfield (University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship)
Magnus Campbell (University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship)
Phoebe Cox-Herring (Prime Minister's Vocational Excellence Award 2019)
Henry Eden-Mann (University of Canterbury Electric Power Engineering Centre Scholarship, University of Canterbury Engineering High Achieving Scholarship)
Ronan Geraghty (University of Otago Maori Entrance Scholarship)
Alice Houston-Page (University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship)
Cameron James-Pirie (University of Otago 150th Entrance Scholarship)
Annie Kennedy-Atchison (Otago Polytechnic Principal’s Scholarship)
Alex Lambert-Janes (University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship)
Beth Lynch (University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship)
Leah McDonnell (University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship, University of Otago Dux Scholarship)
Casper McGuire (University of Auckland Faculty of Arts Entry Level Undergraduate Scholarship)
Finn McKinlay (University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship)
Rosa Miller (University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship)
Cameron Monteath (University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship)
Cailin Rogers (University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship)
Zak Rudin (University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship)
Linea Simons (University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship)
Hayden Smith (University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship)
Billie Taylor (Victoria University Tangiwai Scholarship)
Year 11
Yuiko Aoyagi (general excellence in Year 11 historical studies)
Leilani Baeumer (honours in football); Melicen Barber (distinction in Year 11 French, drama cup, honours in English, honours in music, cup for rock band); Miriam Barton (honours in art, honours in English, honours for sailing); Holly Bettis (honours in art, honours in drama, honours in English, honours in Maori); Sophie Bradfield (English department prize for Year 11, most innovative designer in fabric technology - level 1, honours in drama, honours in maths, honours in science)
Alex Cameron (honours in maths, honours in science); Laura Canton (general excellence in Year 12 classical studies, honours in English, honours in environmental geography, honours in maths, honours in science); Naomi Carse (honours in hospitality); Cindy Chou (cup for Year 12 chemistry, Year 11 excellence in music, honours in computer science, honours in English, honours in environmental geography, honours in maths, award for chamber music, honours for orchestra); Tristen Chung (honours in digital design technologies)
Viviane Dalphin (cup for excellence in Year 11 physical education, honours in English, honours in French, honours in maths, honours in science, senior girls cross country champion, honours for athletics); Marcus Davidson (honours in history, honours in science); Sophie Davison (cup for excellence in Year 11 art, honours in English); Cameron Dickie (honours in accounting, honours in English); Violet Dinsdale (honours in art)
Zishen Fu (honours in maths)
Olivia Goldsmith (honours in English, honours in health, honours in history, honours in science); Phoebe Guile-Hughes (top senior digital design technologist - level 1, tennis MVP)
Rose Haining (outstanding achievement in food technology - level 1, honours in materials technology - wood); Paxton Hall (cup for outstanding achievement in mathematics, award for Year 11 English, cup for Year 11 science, Year 11 excellence in music, honours in history, chess champion); Macauley Hannah (outstanding achievement in materials technology wood - level 1, honours in physical education); Elia Hayashishita (mathematics department trophy for mathematics, honours in music, honours in Year 12 physics); Zack Hibbert (cup for academic excellence in Year 11 physical education, senior boys athletics champion); Rowan Holmes (honours in materials technology - metal); Sam Hulbe Pulver (excellence in Year 11 environmental geography, honours in physical education, honours in science); Floyd Hurley-Parry (honours in health); George Hyink (honours in design and visual communication, honours in maths, honours in science)
Odin Jacobs (honours in Maori, honours in maths); Marshall Jaket (honours in history, honours in science); Jayden Jesudhass (senior boys badminton award)
Jodie Kitchingman (cup for academic excellence in Year 11 health education, honours in maths)
Yvon Lamberts (honours in physical education)
Megan Macdiarmid (excellence in Year 11 historical research, mathematics department trophy for mathematics, award for Year 11 English, honours in computer science, honours in Year 12 chemistry); Harry Major (cup for excellence in Year 11 art, honours in physical education, senior boys cross country champion); Crystal McDonnell (honours in food technology); Linus Molteno (design excellence award - level 1, cup for Year 11 science, top senior computer scientist - level 1, honours in maths)
Nalia Nguyen (honours in Korean, honours in science); Flynn Nichols (outstanding achievement in senior materials technology metal)
Ariana Poleo (cup for girls basketball, Otago Polytechnic Pacific Island Recognition award)
Abigail Real (honours in hospitality)
Mathew Schack (honours - rock band); Simon Schack (Theatresports performance); Annelise Scharpf (cup for Year 11 drama); Jasper Seddon (honours in English, honours in history); Kaelin Sim (outstanding achievement in hospitality - level 1)
Danielle Thomson (senior A netball trophy MVP)
Edie Van Der Vis (honours in fabric technology, honours in food technology)
Mira Wallace (best stagecraft); Ella Wilson (honours in digital design technologies); Andy Wu (level 1 accounting cup)
Xing Zhang (cup for Year 11 science)
Year 12
CJ Barnes (Tikanga Maori award); Cristina Barriga (honours in biology); Molly Barton (English department prize for Year 12, honours in biology, honours in calculus, honours in French); Sophie Black (honours in future pathways)
Tam Chanthasen (future pathways cup, honours in Korean); Adair Clark (prize for excellence in senior mathematics and science, honours in biology, honours in calculus, honours in English); Daniel Cowles (outstanding achievement in food technology - level 2, honours in physical education); Te Awa Crossman-Nixon (Mana Pounamu Young Maori Achiever award)
Rebecca Dalphin (cup for academic excellence in Year 12 physical education, distinction in Year 12 French, Year 12 excellence in music, honours in calculus, honours in physics, senior girls athletics champion); Stella Dickie (honours in English); Ruby Dyke (cup for Year 12 English)
Sasha Freeman (cup for academic excellence in Year 12 health education, general excellence in Year 12 historical studies, Year 12 media studies cup, honours in classics, honours in English, honours in statistics)
Maggie Gorman (honours in classics, honours in physical education, senior girls football MVP, senior girls volleyball MVP); Laura Graham (honours in health, honours in history, honours in statistics, handball MVP)
Samuel Hendriks (honours in future pathways); Arlo Hill (honours in digital technologies); Jorja Hutton (outstanding achievement in hospitality - level 2, senior girls badminton award)
Amasio Jutel (honours in media studies, senior boys futsal MVP, senior boys football MVP)
Hannah Liyanarachchi (English award, cup for outstanding achievement in statistics, cup for Year 12 physics, honours in chemistry)
Silva McDowell (honours in biology, honours in physical education, Theatrefest performance); Carly McGavin (excellence in Year 12 drama cup); Isabella McLean (Theatrefest performance); Roslyn McLean (prize for excellence in painting, level 2 accounting cup, most innovative designer in fabric technology - level 2, honours in English, senior award for choral music); Ella Molteno (cup for excellence in Year 12 physical education, honours in calculus, honours in history)
Paris Noor (drama trophy)
Caitlin O'Brien (honours in future pathways); Marnie O'Shea-Price (Theatrefest performance)
Chanelle Rodriguez (top senior digital design technologist - level 2); Mae Rose-Wills (award for excellence in Year 13 painting, honours in drama, girls futsal MVP, Theatrefest performance); Amelia Ross (honours in drama, honours in media studies, honours in music); Helen Ruan (prize for excellence in photography, honours in history)
Hannah Shahin (distinction in Year 13 French); Gray Smith (honours in English); Lucy Spittle (honours in English, honours in painting, honours in photography); Sophie Sun (cup for Year 12 chemistry, cup for outstanding achievement in calculus, cup for Year 12 biology, award for student representative on the Board of Trustees, honours for chamber music); Danielle Sunitsch (excellence in Year 12 historical research, cup for Year 12 biology, honours in chemistry, honours in English)
Esther Tamati (honours in food technology); Isabel Townsley (Theatrefest performance)
Anna Walrond (honours in history, award for excellence in sailing); Kane Wilson (senior volleyball trophy)
Philip Yeardley (award for excellence in senior boys futsal)
Cathy Zeng (the mathematics department trophy for calculus, honours for chamber music, honours for orchestra)
Year 13
Albert Baeumer (cup for outstanding achievement in calculus, honours in physics, honours for rock band); Abraham Baillie (senior award for jazz combo music); Nerise Barnes (trophy for best senior girls hockey player); Abi Barton (honours in physical education); Caitlin Bathgate (Year 13 certificate); Josie Baughen (MVP award for contribution to waterpolo, choreography award); Connor Bedwell (honours in music, senior award for orchestral music, the film club award); Matai Bowen (Year 13 certificate); Olivia Bradfield (award for scholarship in literature, cup for Year 13 biology, Shakespeare performance trophy, Showquest); Jack Bredenbeck (Year 13 certificate)
Magnus Campbell (Year 13 certificate); Phoebe Cox-Herring (honours in hospitality); Grace Valentina Cunningham (senior award for orchestral music)
Anna Denys (Year 13 certificate); Lealia Devereux (senior award for orchestral music); Lindsay Dowden-Mackay (Year 13 certificate); Lucas Dubyk (curling MVP, Theatresports performance)
Henry Eden-Mann (top senior digital design technologist - level 3, honours in history, honours in physics)
Evie Freeth (Year 13 certificate)
Violet Gallop (honours in physical education); Ronan Geraghty (Year 13 certificate); Rowena German (honours in painting); Hugh Gibson (Year 13 certificate); Liam Gill (Year 13 certificate); Mandy Gray (Year 13 certificate); Paida Gwavava (honours in biology, honours for library service)
Tabitha Hall (Year 13 certificate); Zinnia Haworth (Year 13 certificate); Trent Hawthorne (honours in English, honours in media studies, trophy for band playing, Shakespeare performance trophy, Theatresports performance); Alice Houston-Page (general excellence in Year 13 historical studies, trophy for drama, cup for Year 13 English, honours in classics, honours in French, public speaking cup, Shakespeare performance trophy, Theatresports performance, honours for jazz band); Oliver Hughes (honours in design and visual communication, honours in materials technology - wood); Jahkoda Hunt (Year 13 certificate); Emily Hutton (honours in biology, honours in painting)
Cameron James-Pirie (honours in statistics); Bianca Jashnani (outstanding achievement in food technology - level 3, honours in chemistry, honours in statistics); Juan Javier (Year 13 certificate)
Ziggi Kaitai-Martin (Year 13 certificate); Annie Kennedy-Atchison (Year 13 certificate); Samuel Knudson (Year 13 certificate); Lukas Koenig (Year 13 certificate); Ben Kunath (honours in digital technologies)
Alex Lambert-Janes (honours in accounting); Erin Lamond (Year 13 certificate); Skye Lee-Cottle (Year 13 certificate); Bryn Leishman (Year 13 certificate); Finn Lillis (boys basketball MVP, cup for most outstanding contribution to cricket, cup for contribution to school rugby); Eamon Lupton-Wilson (Year 13 certificate); Beth Lynch (excellence in Year 13 historical research, honours in English, the writing award, honours for choir)
Colin Macandrew (honours for choir, honours for jazz band); Yogesh Mamgain (Year 13 certificate); N'Keyah Marsh (Year 13 certificate); Connor Marshall (Year 13 certificate); Polly Marshall (Year 13 certificate); Paige Matthews (honours in gateway, honours in photography); Leah McDonnell (cup for academic excellence in Year 13 physical education, level 3 accounting cup, cup for Year 13 physics, cup for Year 13 chemistry, honours in calculus); Violet McGlynn-Cole (Year 13 certificate); Casper McGuire (Year 13 media studies cup, honours in drama, honours in English, honours in history, Shakespeare performance trophy); Piper McKerracher (Year 13 certificate); Finn McKinlay (Year 13 excellence in music, melody trophy, Shakespeare performance trophy, Theatresports performance); Angus McLean (LPHS senior award for choral music); Harry McLellan (Year 13 certificate); Shamani McQuillan (Year 13 certificate); Lokesh Menariya (Year 13 certificate); Rosa Miller (honours in English, honours in history); Hannah Mitchell (Year 13 certificate); James Mitchell (Year 13 certificate); Cameron Monteath (English department prize for Year 13, composition cup, honours in classics, senior award for chamber music, honours for orchestra); Hamish O'Malley-King (honours in media studies)
Marion Oswald (Year 13 certificate)
Clay Paepke (Year 13 certificate); Tyler Peters (Year 13 certificate); Ebony Phillips (Year 13 certificate)
Calum Rate (Year 13 certificate); Liam Rawson (Year 13 certificate); Cailin Rogers (Year 13 certificate); Oliver Ross (Year 13 certificate); Zak Rudin (general excellence in Year 13 classical studies, honours in biology, honours in drama, honours in English, award for student council, Shakespeare performance trophy, Amnesty International award)
Bella Sefo (Year 13 certificate); Linea Simons (cup for Year 13 biology, cup for outstanding achievement in statistics, honours in chemistry, Showquest); Hayden Smith (honours in calculus); Lichen Sorrel (Year 13 certificate); Sam Souquet (Year 13 certificate); Moe Stebbings (trophy for stagecraft, Shakespeare performance trophy, Theatresports performance)
Aidhan Taylor (Year 13 certificate); Billie Taylor (prize for excellence in photography); Sofia Till (Year 13 certificate); Arnie Tregonning (hockey award)
George Vare (Year 13 certificate)
Dylan White (Year 13 certificate); Emma White (gateway cup); Sean Wilson (Year 13 certificate)
Rintaro Yamamoto (Year 13 certificate); Samuel Yeardley (Year 13 certificate)
Eaton Zhang (Year 13 certificate)