Hero photograph
Amnesty International
Photo by Supplied

Amnesty International

Zak Rudin —

It’s been a good year for Amnesty International LPHS.

We have done several bake sales as well as a quiz night throughout the year, raising around $600 for Amnesty International. The proceeds will go towards helping to support vulnerable people who are denied their basic human rights, fund human rights advocates and education programs. 

In May I represented Logan Park High School at the national annual Amnesty hui and skillshare in Wellington; I learnt a lot about the runnings of Amnesty NZ and gained some valuable insight into different perspectives whilst making some strong connections. 

Next year I plan on becoming involved within Amnesty Otago (situated at the OUSA for UNI students). If there are any students (from any year but preferably next year’s year 12s or 13s) who are interested in continuing Amnesty at LPHS, please email me at: zakrudin@gmail.com