Celeste Howard and Neive Strang — Jun 25, 2018

Over a couple of weeks at the end of Term 2, the Art Prefects organized a workshop for year 9's and 10's.

It involved both decorating and painting pictures of cupcakes, along with eating the delicious creations. It was a great turn out, of around 20 juniors in total. 

We began by demonstrating how to use icing to decorate the cupcakes and make interesting patterns. Next, the students began to decorate their own individual cupcakes, expressing themselves in a colorfully sweet way. 

Thank you Ms Reid for the use of the Foods Room. We photographed each student's cupcakes, distorted them using Photoshop, printed them out, they then painted them using oil paints.

Overall, the workshop was a success, and the Art Prefects were very happy with the turn out and eagerness of the juniors!