Amanda Wilson — Nov 19, 2019

2019 has been a fantastic year for our Learning Support Class. It has been filled with many exciting activities and projects and the boys have thrived, working on all aspects of their learning not only academically but socially, and focusing on maintaining a good sense of health and wellbeing.

We have been so impressed with the level and quality of self directed tasks and the visible increase of independence that these boys have shown with their work throughout the year.

Some highlights from 2019 include our hard work collecting pine cones in order to sell, and help fund the Dunedin Night Shelter and the amazing work that we have done with Youthgrow, the Malcam Trust Restore and Gardens New World.

It was also great to learn about First Aid and gain certificates for this. We enjoyed Mike Hammond, our health nurse come in and spend time with the class helping to educate on various health issues and teach some very practical skills.

Among the students’ own projects there have been some really standout creations; such as the beautiful woodwork cabinets, tables and chopping boards, a fully functioning worm farm and a selection of can-made rocket stoves to cook with.

The boys had great fun spray painting Lucan’s car with their own art and designs, which he is now proud to drive around in every day showing them off.

The whole class have grown amazingly in confidence through our outdoor education and mainstream integration and it has been great to see this development over time.

2019 has been a very successful year for our class and we want to thank all of the teachers, parents and individuals who have put their time into helping us and supporting our students with their work and growth.

We couldn’t have done it without you.