Louis Davis — Apr 15, 2021

Over the weekend of the 19/20th of March five bagpipers from the John McGlashan College Pipe Band (of which several LPHS students are members) competed at the RNZPBA National Pipe Band Championships. Everyone had an awesome time, and all played extremely well.

OE, Joel, and Caleb all competed with the ILT City of Invercargill Grade 4B band and Juvenile B band. The grade 4B band came second overall in their grade, meaning they were runners up to the national champion band this year.

Louis competed with ILT City of Invercargill Grade 1 band, who came fourth overall. This was a valiant effort by the band considering this was their first season in Grade 1, which is the top grade internationally.

Qwenton played with the ILT City of Invercargill Grade 4A and Juvenile A band. Both bands won their grades (4A and juvenile respectively), making all members of the band national champions! This is especially impressive when we consider that both bands won their grades convincingly.

This follows an already stellar season by the band where we won the Dugald MacKay Memorial Trophy for the best Grade 4 Pipe Corp (Otago Bands only). This is incredible, considering the grade 4 bands are open to anyone; the band came out on top of some adult bands! It was a great achievement, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed their day.

If anyone is interested in learning the bagpipes, snare, tenor or bass drum, with the plan to join the John McGlashan Pipe Band, please contact Louis Davis (davislrs2000@gmail.com) and he can put you into contact with some knowledgeable tutors. You don’t have to be a John McGlashan student to join the band, only a Dunedin school student. Boys and girls of all school ages are welcome to join and are currently competing members.