Hero photograph
Action Award Winner
Photo by Janine Hills

September Action Award and Club Support

Sophie Sun —

The Action Award and Club Support for September was presented to Abe Ballie and The Charities Club respectively.

Abe Ballie is a Year 13 student who demonstrates strong leadership and service by co-organising the School Climate Strikes. I'm sure that Abe will continue to demonstrate strong leadership in both the school and the community.

Charities has been an interactive community and is awarded Club Support as the club wish to spend the money on printing posters and raising awareness of their charity of the term, Shave for a Cure. I'm glad to see that it was a successful event with a number of students participating,

The Action Award and Club Support are initiatives set up and funded by the student representatives on the Board of Trustees.   The Action Award presents a $25 prize to any student who demonstrates community service, leadership and/or innovative thinking, therefore being good citizens outside of the normal boundaries of academia, sports and cultural activities. The prize offers the opportunity for recipients to be connected with mentors and experts from the wider community to assist in the development of any specific projects they wish to pursue.

The Club Support presents a $25 prize to support any club activity in Logan Park, including starting a new club. It allows clubs to be more interactive and develop any specific projects.