Hero photograph
Year 10 Girls Self Defence Class
Photo by Arnika Hazelwood

Health Department Overview

Danielle Frost —

All junior Health teachers were excited to implement new aspects of the curriculum in to both Year 9 and 10 courses this year. 

Year 9 students began the year developing an understanding of Hauora and reflecting on who they are, what makes them unique and what they and their Whanau value. They progressed on to body image and looking in-depth at media influences and how their ideas are shaped. Sexuality Education followed, and staff were all up-skilled with support from Louise Pearman of Family Planning and Rachel at Rape Crisis. Term 4 course saw students discussing nutrition and looking at how they respond to changes. Students have been given opportunities to try mindfulness techniques in class to develop life long strategies for overall improved well-being.

Year 10 students started the year with a unit called “Change, Loss and grief.”  Students' primary objective was to discover strategies that would assist them and others when they were going through difficult and challenging situations in their lives. Students created meaningful posters on how to remain resilient and what strategies support them to feel good. Following this students covered Sexuality Education. In Term 3 students looked at the body systems and how their bodies function. Students created some artistic and detailed Human Body Models which are now displayed in Room 2. Term 4 provided students with the opportunity to look in to the future. Students are offered the chance to reflect on previous experiences, look forward and discuss new experiences they want to have, set goals, look at various career opportunities and more.

Long term the Department wishes to include Senior Health in the options in the near future. As Head of Health, I look forward to implementing more changes to aspects of the curriculum in 2017 with support from a wide range of external providers! It is a very exciting time!

In Term 4, Two Year 10 classes also got an opportunity to participate in a day of Self-defence classes with experienced instructors, as part of a new initiative.