Hero photograph
Food Technology
Photo by Bianca Whalan

Food Technology

Bianca Whalan —

Year 9 Food Technology have spent the year gaining valuable kitchen skills in order to further their understanding of techniques and processes and prepare them for next year.

We have worked on preparing a variety of recipes during these projects to better understand reading recipes and working in the kitchen, some of these items included a “wrapped theme”, their own “batter in a bottle” for a stakeholder as well as a Gingerbread Whare that conveyed their own personalities and culture.

Year 11 and Year 12 Hospitality students have spent the year gaining valuable experience in the kitchen by working through a variety of Hospitality units, understanding how to work in a commercial kitchen by preparing and presenting food items for their consumers. Students have gained confidence in a variety of areas and are able to work independently as well as a group to achieve success in each unit of work using a variety of techniques and processes gained throughout the course of the year.