Neve Beens — Aug 21, 2015

Outward Bound’s “Mind, Body and Soul” course was a life-changing experience. Outward Bound for me was a perspective change, a new confidence in myself and my abilities, an opportunity to learn not just about myself but other people and a move towards bettering myself.

What I think made getting through challenges such as the kayaking in the freezing waters or the half marathon so rewarding is that it made me realise that I could push past those mental barriers that I set in front of myself, that I am stronger than my mental barriers let me believe. 

 I think I have gained an appreciation for the natural environment that I was lacking beforehand. How incredible a sunrise can look at the start of the day and how warming it can be to see one at the end of a hard day; the beauty of the music of the native birds, the shelter of the trees, the embrace of cool mud, the relief of cool water. 

Most of all though, to learn the way I have through other people, their beliefs, their lives and their values is the biggest blessing that I could have ever been given. 

An experience that has blessed me with a new perspective, confidence, compassion, passion, gratitude, mental agility, environmental awareness, respect, a better attitude and a sense of adventure. 

I think the biggest lesson of all that I learnt was that your attitude can really be your biggest disability.

This article was written by Neve Beens, Year 12 who won a Rotary scholarship to attend Outward Bound.