Sam Feeney (Student Teacher at LPHS) — Jan 1, 2014

Logan Park has their own set of poi toa made by our very own 9G! 

After borrowing a set of poi from the College of Education, a few of the junior classes were able to learn a bit about some traditional Māori sports and history.

Prior to testing out their own abilities with warrior poi, students were able to learn about the whakapapa (history) of these poi stating that in traditional times they were used to train warriors and strengthen muscles, while in contemporary times poi are used in a variety of modern Māori sports. It was also great to see students widening their Māori vocabulary; remembering that in poi we catch by the aho (tail) and not the ki (head of the poi). This quickly became a fun and exciting task for the class.

Catching a flying object by the tail is not always an easy ask — it was fun watching the students try out a whole new set of activities and games.

After such a fun lesson, we wanted all Logan Parkers to try out these fun and creative games. So thanks to 9G, we created a whole class set. The students were eager to create, trial and play with their own poi, making sure they were in top condition for future Logan Parkers and so that present and future students can benefit from this experience. Now everyone can enjoy these exciting new learning opportunities and fun new games! Thanks 9G.