Year 10 Dance Performance
In Term 1 and a part of Term 2, the Year 10 Dance class were working on the unit called “Evolution of Dance,” in which we explored various styles of dance from throughout the 20th century up until 2019.
To find genres of dance to explore we had to interview different generations of people to get a broad collection of dance genres from multiple cultures and backgrounds.
Before starting the process of choreographing our chosen dances, we were separated into groups. In these groups, we compared our results from the ten interviews and found common genres of dance from each generation. After finishing the necessary planning, each group started to research their dances with careful precision. When we felt satisfied with our findings, we began to choreograph. Each group picked music that fitted the time period when the chosen genre of dance was most popular and edited it accordingly.
When choreographing the five dances, each group used some of the many dance techniques and formations we had explored in class as well as videos we watched for inspiration and research.
We practised studiously during our many weeks of classes, before our showcase.
Before the big day, we gathered our many costumes that had accumulated over the last few weeks, to refine them and suit our needs.
A few days before the show we tried full dress rehearsals with some luck, however, we had to make a few changes to the procession which made us somewhat stressed for the actual day. This, however, did not deter us from fulfilling our set goal and we continued to strive.
On the big night, Mrs Frost welcomed everyone who came to support us while we waited backstage with a mixture of nerves and excitement. After Mrs Frost’s informative speech, each group performed their well-choreographed dances smoothly.
The night ended with a supper for all of the parents and dancers, where we received great praise from everyone who attended.