Hero photograph
Songwriting workshops with Jenny Mitchell
Photo by John Dodd

Music Department News.

John Dodd and Sara Brown —

The Music Department has been busy in Term 2.

Choir sings at Knox Church Service.

The school choir took the opportunity to perform at a Knox Church Service in May. They were incredibly well received by the congregation. This was an excellent opportunity for them to premier their repertoire for the national Big Sing competition in June.

The choir sang one song (Baba Yetu) as an individual item, and joined with the Knox Church Choir and the Knox Church Children’s Choir to sing two others. Ella Verberne and Greer Brittenden were featured soloists in the combined choirs ‘Hear Me, Redeemer.’ Elia Hayashishita accompanied the choir brilliantly. The Knox congregation was very impressed with the choir’s singing and with how they represented the school. - Sara Brown

Bridget Douglas from the NZSO workshops chamber groups.

The Chamber Music New Zealand competition was fast approaching (Saturday 12 June at Marama Hall) and several groups from LPHS were preparing their items to participate. Flautist Bridget Douglas from the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra (an ex student of LPHS) arrived from her home in Wellington to coach three groups. This is an incredibly beneficial experience for our young chamber musicians. 

Rockquest Heats

Several LPHS bands competed at the Smokefree Rockquest heats at Taieri High School on Saturday 22 May. Two bands from our school made it through to the final (Mayfair Theatre, Friday 25 June,7pm). The successful bands being Bliss Point (Tane Cotton, Aston Arnott, Ethan Montaner and Liam Caldwell) and Shrimp (Isaac Randel, Ben Connolly and Alex Cameron).

Songwriting workshops with Jenny Mitchell

Well known singer/songwriter Jenny Mitchell came in to LPHS to help a group of students develop their songwriting skills. This initiative has been funded by the New Zealand Music Commission. The lucky students have written new songs, and there is further development to come. They will be able to use their music for NCEA credits.

Jazz Band performance in Assembly in June

And our Jazz Band was really well received in their school Assembly performance in June.