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Regional stars in Food Technology
Photo by Supplied

Regional stars in Food Technology

Kristan Mouat —

Congratulations to Emily Wu (Yr 12) and Annie Kennedy-Atchison (Yr 10) who won the Royal Society Crest Silver Challenge in Food Technology in September.

The two girls had to develop an innovative new food product, in conjunction with an industry stakeholder. They worked with Southern Clams and the Food Science Department at the University of Otago to develop "Ocean Gourmet Smoked Fish Sausages."

They developed an innovative way to add value to a previously discarded by-product of the blue cod fish filleting industry. The sausages are delicious and received endorsements from food testers. The Challenge competition was a demanding and rigorous year long process. The students took the concept, planned, trialed, evaluated and adapted to arrive at the final successful product. Long term, there is the possibility of commercial sales at a local seafood retailer. Thanks to Heather Brown, Food Technology teacher for all her enthusiasm and support with the students.

Professor Phil Bremer from the Food Science Department at the University of Otago was the judge. Thanks also to PhD Candidate Tanyaradzwa Mungure who mentored our students all year.