Holly Bettis — Nov 5, 2020

Despite the year behind us, for the Logan Park High School Year 11 and 12 drama students, the show must go on!

The spectacular and vivacious senior drama showcases usually take place two to three times a year, allowing students to gain confidence on stage in our auditorium. Sadly, this year we only managed to have one but it was well worth the wait. With inspiration from physical theatre along with an eye opening workshop from Alice of Zen Zen Zo, the students explored the theme of connection and disconnection through historical events, modern politics, current-day injustices and other more comedic themes surrounding school life and backstage drama.

It was an incredible night of entertainment and it captured the supportive Logan Park experience with all the students beaming with delight from the encouraging atmosphere. Year 12 drama student and MC for the evening, Qrowe Brittenden said that ‘Everyone did amazingly! The year 12's blew it out of the park and the Year 11's shocked me with how amazing their performances were.’

The stand out for me was really the way that students used the architecture of the auditorium and the skills of our technologies crew (Tom Mathews, Amasio Jutel, Marcus Davidson, Kane Wilson and Jaden Cooper) to create a gripping and unique mood. Examples of these were incredible lighting and soundscape storms surrounding the audience and projected presidential social media tweets that made the actors appear trapped in a world of political drama. It was really intriguing to see the way that students have taken muse from the different theatre forms and lessons that our Logan Park drama teachers have given us to comment on the world around us.