Hero photograph
Charities Club at Quiz Night
Photo by Supplied

Charities Club

Sasha Freeman —

2019 has been a busy year for the Logan Park Charities Club!

Our cause for Term One was supporting the victims of the Christchurch attacks, and with a bake sale and mufti day we raised over $600 for the cause. 

Term Two was our big term, with our cause being World Vision and their 40 Hour Famine, supporting refugees in South Sudan. Over the term we had a mufti day, a quiz night, a gig, and a showcase with our jazz band and orchestra. We raised over $1500 and we are very grateful to everyone who helped out or came along to events. 

In Term Three we had a school wide Shave for a Cure event, where six students volunteered to shave their heads to raise money for cancer research; over a thousand dollars was raised and donated to the charity. We’re looking forward to another busy year next year and new members are always welcome!