Hero photograph
Photo by Frankie Vella

Futsal at Logan park in 2022

Ben O'Farrell —

The Edgar Centre was awash with Maroon on Thursday afternoons.

Term One saw nine LPHS teams in the inter-schools competition and ten in Term Four, with seventy registered players.

Students represented Logan Park with a characteristic mix of passion, skill and sportspersonship.

At the end of Term Two we lost futsal guru James Govan as he moved to Australia to work on his tan and grow his family. Mr Govan’s contribution to school futsal over the last decade has been immense and he deserves much credit for its popularity.

Big shout out to all the parents who helped coach, Ms Vella for her outstanding sports admin, Mrs Robertson for overseeing the girls and Mr O’Farrell the boys. Goodluck to all Y13’s leaving, especially goalkeeping sensations Connor Stephenson and Simdi Adam, looking forward to following your future.