Oscar McGuire — Jun 28, 2017

A number of Shakespearean actors, musicians and costume designers went to Wellington over Queen's Birthday Weekend for the national awards.  

On Sunday night, after two days of watching performances, we had the awards ceremony. 

Held in the Opera House, it was quite the ordeal. Paul Foster-Bell hosted the ceremony, and the awards were presented by both judges and special guests. However, we were kept in suspense for a while, and before the awards were presented, the 2016 SGCNZ YSC performed a series of scenes and skits for us. 

With 20 performers total, there were both group and solo performances, covering everything from Shakespeare parodies to decidedly average Hamilton renditions. Judging from the at times over-enthusiastic audience response, it was the highlight of the night for many. 

After the showcase, the awards were presented. Waiting through the 40 plus awards was gruelling, but it was made worth it when we got to see both Beth Lynch's costume, and the fantastic first place result for Logan Park band,  Painted Blind. Much to their surprise, when Cuba and Rikke were presented with the award for first place in the music category (both for music inspired by a Shakespeare piece, and overall winners), their awesome winning composition was played to the audience. While Cuba and Rikke weren’t too excited about this, the audience was, and within seconds, there were hundreds of glowing phones waving around the Opera House. 

A few congratulations and enthusiastic rounds of applause later, and the awards ceremony was over. After escaping the Opera House, we were greeted by a downpour in true Wellington fashion. We then travelled to Cuba Street for a much-needed snack, drenching ourselves in the process, before arriving back at the hostel.