Michelle Summerfield — Sep 22, 2020

In term three there is a reading challenge for all of Year 9, as part of their library program.

This year the six Year 9 classes all did extremely well with their dedication to reading and a healthy sense of competition.  Congratulations to the following students:

The Overall winner for 2020 is Nathan Mutch.

9A WInner - Matthew Scott

Runners-up - Shelby Lockerbie, Sapphire Walsh

Special mention - Eliza Hennephof

9B Winner - Ally-May Sharma

Runners-up - Callum Fotheringham, Kai Sweeny

9K Winner - Lorelai Hunt

Runners up - Erin Byas, Tom McDade

Special mention - Jimmy Lister

9S WInner - Oscar Kennedy

Runners up - Hazel Ross, Libby Wilson

Special mention - Solomon Cloughley, David Zeng

9U WInner - Louis Robertson

Runners up - Hannah Hogan, Maia Jack

Special Mention - Sylvia Baeumer, Gracie Fagerlund, Lauren Davey, Caitlyn Smith

9X Winner - Alaska Saysell

Runners up - Georgia McKinnon, Dharcy Keane