Hero photograph
Logan Park High School
Photo by Stephen Jaquiery

Board of Trustees Report

Ronda Tokona —

Another character-building year for Logan Park High School as we stride through the 2020’s decade.

The most significant event to hit the world, and then us, was the covid/omicron pandemic. Like everyone else, we did the best we could faced with immediate, fast paced and challenges that would unsettle anyone, let alone schools. The media was rife with the doom and the gloom as we all wrestled with restrictions on movement and connection with our students and our community. Our senior leadership team rose to the challenges and the Board supported them in a steady, calm manner. We managed to come out the other side together with an adherence to our values of inclusivity paramount, despite the strong northerlies that would have unseated the fainthearted.

But let us not focus on the negative, because a major positive is the news that Logan Park High School will be rebuilt. This is an exciting development on so many levels as it provides an opportunity for us to dream and to vision how we want to shape the school for the future. It also brings with it the usual inconveniences a new build should bring but I am sure we can put up with it for the dream.

The previous Chair, John Bradfield, forecast in his report last year that Logan Park High School was in the throes of initiating its Enrolment Scheme. It feels like we have been in the scheme forever as it was seamlessly applied in the Logan Park High School context. I can say with great aplomb that our school is in good stead, we seem to be a school of choice, and our enrolments look strong and healthy.

A significant development has also been the initiation of Cultural Narratives in schools, and the school enjoyed the presentation provided by manawhenua, Megan Potiki of Otakau Marae. Megan was inspiring as she shared the local history with those present, but most importantly, did it in a way that was open, honest, and transparent. She was keen to share what she knew about local history for the Logan Park area, and she was also unabashed about acknowledging manawhenua were equally discovering their history and invited us all to consider researching settler history and contribution to the making of this beautiful area. The more stories the better, they all have their place enriching our communities.

I must acknowledge the ongoing hard work of our Co-Principals, Kristan Mouat, Peter Hills, and their senior leadership team. I am so proud of the innovative leadership style that characterises Logan Park High School in a way that distinguishes us from the rest. A good look under our bonnet reveals how we showcase our values not only in words but in actions. We are a school of choice because we embody and value cultural inclusivity, we expect respect, and we champion motivation that ensures our school and students reach the heights of their potential.

But none of this is done without the grounding of a strong, solid set of staff members who uphold and encapsulate the essence of Logan Park High School. They are the foundation upon which we all flourish and for that I say, thank you one hundred-fold.

Finally, I wish to welcome our new Board who show considerable promise as leaders. They are young and visionary, and the Logan Park High School community chose well. Watch this space.