Kayli Taylor — Nov 28, 2017

A new initiative in the Music Department this year has been evening music concerts, organised by the music prefects: Kayli Taylor, Rachael Molteno, Annabelle Johnston and Ben Dubyk.

We have had three highly successful concerts over Terms 1 to 3, bringing together musicians and lovers of music. They have been immensely enjoyed by the students, parents and teachers. The concerts were “perfectly informal” and have provided a wonderful opportunity for bands to practice performing in front of an audience.

Highlights for the Year 13’s were Lucas Dubyk’s rap in the third concert in Borderline Achieved. Too many bands performed to name them all, but highlights were the reliable and talented Louis and Sasha Freeman, Lucas Dubyk’s rap as part of Borderline Achieved, our bassoon duet- Connor Bedwell and Ella Molteno, and Standup Chameleon.

The cookies, tea and coffee were also enjoyed by students and parents.