Andrea McSweeney — Dec 5, 2017

2017 has been a busy year for the Art Department.

In Term One, we organised a Fringe event called ‘Tagged and Released’, which saw art by Logan Park students released into the wild for members of the public to take home. The creativity and diversity of the artwork was appreciated by the public.

Adam Goldsmith from LA came to Dunedin to workshop with students work towards the ‘Anything Could Happen’ Fringe Festival event. This was a rewarding and educational experience.

We also had an exhibition of Childhood Art by Art Club. Students were invited to bring art they had created as children. The exhibition of around 20 works was enjoyed by the students who came to look.

We also released a book of Text and Image, which combined photographers and painters with poets from around the school. Poets were given a piece of art to write a poem about, while artists were given a poem to influence a painting or photo.

The Year 9’s enjoyed their visit and workshop at the DPAG, which gives them insight into real world examples of art they can work towards.

Our Year 10’s have had some work displayed in the art department gallery space.

The Year 11’s have been working towards their two panel folios for NCEA. L1 folios use a combination of painting, photography and printmaking, and give students experience in all three areas. They worked within the area of still life, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience it gave them.

Year 12’s, both in Painting and Photography, have been working towards their folio. This year, they chose their own theme and chose conventions that specifically applied to their theme.

The Year 13’s have been working towards their three panel folios. Students in both painting and photography were allowed to choose their own theme, and inspired to find their own artist models and conventions that work within this. Some themes this year have been: consumerism, the impact of social media, mental health and ritual. Year 13 Scholarship students have enjoyed meeting with students from St Hilda’s and King’s High School frequently to trade ideas and influence one another’s artmaking process. From our Year 13 class, we had 10 entries into the Otago Schools Celebrate Art at the Dunedin School of Art. Siobhann Quinn won from Logan Park.