Hero photograph
Photo by Frankie Vella


Lealia Devereux —

It was yet again another successful season for Hockey at Logan Park High School. The girls A team came 5th in Division 2, and also managed to achieve the lowest goal difference overall. We had an excellent team this year; a huge thanks to our Captain Emily Hutton and Vice Captain Lealia Devereux.

We also had a mixed B team in Division 3 who were coached by Ms Vella. For many players it was their first year playing hockey, so a big congratulations to everybody for a great season!

In June, Logan Park entered two mixed teams in the Co-Ed Dunedin tournament. Overall Logan Park won the Hockey tournament. Big congratulations to the Mixed B Team who won their division and did extremely well. The Mixed A Team came 3rd in the A division and managed to beat Bayfield in the 3rd, 4th place playoff. The two teams got 4 and 6 points each respectively, which was the most points for a school in hockey.

In the regular season Logan Park 1st XI Boys came 6th in Division 2, and the Logan Park Colts also came 6th, in Division 3. Arnie Tregonning and Albert Baeumer were co-captains for the Boys A Team.

The Senior Boys A team were lucky enough this year to go on tournament in Ashburton. They left on Sunday the 1st of September for 5 days of hockey games and headed home on Friday.

They had a couple hard games against top teams such as Geraldine High School and Taieri, however they managed to beat Mackenzie High School. They drew for 11th place against Tokomariro. Overall this was a very good result for the Logan Park Hockey team and is much better than we have done in previous years. Makikihi fries and nuggies were meals enjoyed while on hockey tournament in the great town of Ash Vegas.

A huge thanks to Mr Spronken who has coached the girls A team for the past two years. He has been such an amazing coach who has been super dedicated and supportive for all of us. He will be sorely missed if he returns to coach waterpolo!