Hannah Shahin — Nov 9, 2020

Logan Park High school started the year with a very diverse student body including a variety of nationalities.

Meanwhile, in the unfortunate event of the global pandemic, we have had to see a lot of students return to their home countries. This has caused for a significant decrease in the number of international students throughout the rest of the year. As an international student myself, it was sad to see the cultural awareness within the school's community die-down, especially with all the intercultural activities and events having to get canceled. Along with my position as an international prefect this year, these circumstances motivated me to initiate an international club with the purpose of fostering intercultural friendships and providing an opportunity for everyone to bond and to share their journey and traditions. The club was a valuable experience for those involved with all the little activities that went down, and also, a good chance for me to give back to the school for all the inclusive experiences and opportunities it has given me during my time here. I hope that Logan Park never stops cultivating its welcoming and accepting side, and that it always keeps expressing its diversity as well as it has so far.