Cuba Rust — Jun 28, 2017

On Queen’s birthday weekend we went up to Wellington for the University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare festival. 

It was an awesome experience. I and a bandmate went up as representative finalists in music composition, and although we found the workshops fun, the highlight was definitely exploring the city. Namely Cuba Street and Te Papa were fantastic places to visit, and with my name being Cuba we took pictures by nearly every sign. My personal favourite was: 


Everything you ever wanted… and more.”

Highlights of Cuba St.

  1. The signs.

  2. Rikke found a comic book shop- something Dunedin is seriously lacking, but sadly we didn’t make it back there for her to get a souvenir.

  3. The vegetarian nachos from Midnight Expresso- So good! Definitely recommend.

We were so proud of all of Logan Park’s entries and overall our band placed first over all the music categories with a song we love, and Beth Lynch came third in Costume Design. Wohoo!