Hero photograph
Writers Group
Photo by Arnika Hazelwood

Writers' Group

Morag MacTaggart —

Writers’ Group has had another really creative, successful year. 

Students meet once a week during lunchtime, in Ms MacTaggart’s room. This year it was on a Monday but it varies depending on what we all have on and what is the best day for the most students. We’re a pretty busy bunch! We share our writing and try to extend ourselves with new ways of writing. We bring our lunch, will often get way off topic and always have a good laugh. A typical Writers’ Group session may see us reading each other’s poetry, organizing ourselves for an out of school writing workshop or festival, entering a short story competition, or helping to edit another student’s novel. It’s a place for students to pursue all types of literature and to try out new genres too.

This year we have won loads of competitions both in school and out.   Nobody finished their novel however Ava did finish her amazing drama script and of course she won first place in the LPHS Senior Prose Writing Competition. Well done Ava! Here’s what the School for Young Writers folk had to say about our entries for the National Secondary School’s Writing Completion – Re-Draft.

“The School for Young Writers would like to congratulate Isla Thomas, Year 12 and Catherine Cadzow Year 13 for being selected for publication in Re Draft 16 The Dog Upstairs. Out of over 800 entries, 74 young writers had their competition entries chosen by our judges, Tessa Duder and James Norcliffe. Catherine Cadzow wrote one piece and Isla Thomas two pieces that were judged to be among the best of teenage writing for 2016. This is an outstanding achievement. Once again, congratulations to Isla and Catherine. Very few schools had more than one piece selected from their young writers so well done to Logan Park too!”