Hero photograph
Junior Classics Quiz
Photo by Janine Hills

Classics Quiz 2019

Maeve Lonie —

This year two Logan Park teams competed in the annual Junior Classics Quiz hosted by Otago University and the Classical Association.

One of them was also triumphant in a crowded field, bringing home the cup for Logan Park for the twentieth time in nearly thirty years.

Participants in the quiz were: Millie Todd, Felix Telfer, Luke Rooney, Eben Richardson, Arthur Howard, Nikau Edmond-Smaill, James Hurley and Bram Casey.

In the lead-up to the Quiz we held study sessions covering a panoply of Greek and Roman gods and their exploits, Roman politicians, generals and their conquests and adversaries, and assorted additional trivia.

We are lucky to have a flourishing Classics Department and Classical Association in Dunedin. Together they have been organising this quiz since at least 1990, the earliest date on the small but perfectly formed Junior Quiz Trophy.