Peer Reading
Peer Reading finished with a celebration and party in the new library on Friday April 8. A total of 51 students from Yrs 9 -13 took part in the programme.
A month into the school year junior students began their first twenty minute reading session with their Senior Buddies. From there each junior student read three times a week to their Senior Buddy for a total of six weeks. Over the course of the programme this amounted to five extra hours of reading for each Junior student.
This year’s group of senior students were very committed to the programme. They asked perceptive questions to ensure their junior student had the appropriate level of reading material and went out of their way to make sure they met their particular junior buddy's learning needs. Junior students were equally as engaged with the process, turning up to the library as quickly as they could and settling to read with their Senior Buddy so as to make the most of the time.
We were also very fortunate this year to have the regular support of our Librarian, Mrs Millar, RTLB Mr Wilkinson and our Assistant Principal Ms Mouat.
Well done everybody; it has been a pleasure to work with such a wonderful, talented group of young people.
“Lots of my friends wanted to do Peer Reading, it was so much fun…” – Junior student
“It boosted my confidence.” –Junior Student
“When I was reading last night there was a word I knew that I wouldn’t have got if I hadn’t done Peer Reading.” –Junior Student
“I read more now than I used to.” – Junior Student
“She got so much more confident reading to me as time went on!” –Senior Student
“It was such a rewarding experience knowing I could make a difference to someone.” –Senior Student
“I could see my buddy getting better!” –Senior Student