Richard Pirie — May 25, 2017

Early Term 2 was a busy time for the Science Department.

On school workday in May the Environmental Group did a wonderful job of tidying our courtyard space and furthering the landscaping work especially around our ponds (that look suspiciously like bathtubs!).

We are looking for appropriate vegetation both in and around these and anyone who has native waterplants or interesting plants that might work in the surrounds, we’d love to hear from you. Last year the ponds contributed wonderfully to the Year 12 microscopy study furnishing a wide range of protozoans. 

Speaking of Year 12 Biology, the classes had their annual field study days in week 2 of the term. Day one is a training day at the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre at Portobello where the students received training in beach study techniques, investigated the adaptations of intertidal organisms (which may have resulted in some students getting their faces wet) as well as dissections to further our study of how gills work. 

The day at Portobello was blessed with fine, sunny weather allowing everyone to enjoy the beauty of Otago Harbour. The following day was the study for assessment on the rocks at Warrington. The day began wet and unpleasant but cleared by the time we started working. Lots of great work was done and discoveries made.