Hero photograph
Senior Classics Quiz Team
Photo by Janine Hills

Classics Quizzes, Junior and Senior

Maeve Lonie —

These two annual events, organised by the University of Otago Department of Classics, are a highly anticipated part of the calendar for those keen on Latin and Classics.

This year we fielded a particularly high number of teams, carrying on Logan Park’s strong tradition of participation in this quiz, and this time we placed second in both the senior and junior quizzes. This was pleasing but has also spurred the contestants to start preparing for next year’s event with eyes on the trophy, the junior of which carries a large cargo of LPHS engravings already. Competition is fierce, and the junior quiz had to be decided by a tie-breaker, which in this case was ‘What year was the siege of Alesia in which Vercingetorix the Gaul was captured?’. Vercingetorix is to a large extent the model for the more widely known but fictional Gaul, Asterix. 

The teams who placed second were ‘Overcome with longing for pea soup’ (Dante Dawes, Charis Bell, Sophie Davison and Arthur Howard) in the senior event, and ‘Undercooked Team’ (Nathan Mutch and Aubrey Alsop-Mackie) in the junior category. Nathan and Aubrey are to be commended for their placing despite being a team of only two when the usual number was four. 

A nice piece of continuity is that the M.C. was past Logan Park Latin and Classics student Lydie Leurquin who herself participated in the quiz as a high school student. 

We look forward to testing our skill again in next year’s event, which is open to all students with strong Latin, Greek and Classics knowledge.