Paul Enright — Nov 12, 2015

As the individual reports on activities and accomplishments by students in our department make clear, 2015 has been another year of success and achievement across a wide range of areas and interests.

We began with some exceptional NCEA results – outstanding even by the typically high standards of students in our department – supplemented by the winning of two national Young Historian awards by Jacobi Kohu Morris (Y12) and Ella Yianett (Y11).

Logan Park High School is always keen to explore all the opportunities for education beyond the formal classroom environment and our students are no exception. This year a number of us, in partnership with some adventurers from Queens High School took that some distance further than we had previously, embarking on a three-week study tour of Turkey, Greece and Italy. The experiences, memories and friendships from that odyssey are still being assimilated by those who went, but clearly provided deeper insights into cultures, and cultural interaction in different times and places. More excursions are planned, in New Zealand and wider afield, to ensure our students have as rich a range of opportunities to explore their heritage and broaden their understanding.