The 2016 Committee chair, Lynda Hall, Treasurer Trudi Sunitsch and members Anna Blackman, Jean Cockram, Shell Colson, Sally Couper, Lisa Ellis, Debbie Horwell, Ginni Kwok-Lillis, Wendy Rawson, Nickee Charteris, Mareike Barton and student reps Neve Beens and Hannah Colson have worked to support the school in fundraising for those extra things.
The Easter Raffle raised $1629.00, with many thanks to all
those parents, students, and caregivers who donated items for the Quiz. The PTSA donated $1600 to the school for the
purchase of uniform jackets for School Rep teams/individuals.
The PTSA Quiz Night held at Port Chalmers raised $537.00. The 2017 Committee may look at a more central venue for the 2017 Quiz Night.
In 2015 the PTSA set aside $1200 for decking outside the new Library. However a revised design brief meant this project did not go ahead. After consultation with Heads of Departments, the money supported the PE Department to buy equipment for the new Fitness Room.
We also supported the staff at the start of year New Entrants Afternoon Tea for parents and whanau. This was also a chance for us to welcome new parents to join the PTSA committee. Thanks to the two parents who have since joined us.
Another annual event we support is Open Day, where we coordinate refreshments and provide tea and coffee for the parents and whanau of prospective students.
The LPHS Uniform Shop is manned by the PTSA committee and we would like to thank Debbie Horwell for organising this on Monday afternoons this year. While other members of the committee are free during the summer holidays when the shop is open for several days in a row, it is Debbie who has worked to keep the shop going throughout the year.
Over the past three years we have enjoyed a stable committee. The committee held its end of year meal on 15 November where they celebrated and thanked retiring Chair, Lynda for her years of hard work and dedication to the LPHS PTSA.
As always the 2017 committee will be looking for parents/caregivers to join the team. Many parents who joined the PTSA in 2013, when it was brought out of recess, will be moving on as their students finish High School.
As retiring Chair I would like to thank all the committee for your support over the years and bid you farewell.
Lynda Hall
PTSA Chairperson