Hero photograph
Senior Prizegiving
Photo by Frankie Vella

Head Boy Report

Lucan Willis —

Here we are, at the end of the 2018 senior school year and for a lot of us the end of our incredible Logan Park journey. The past five years that have made up my time as a Logan Parker have been packed to the brim with interesting, new and eye opening experiences and I been given endless opportunities to expand my worldview on life. I have such a deep love for this unique little school and although the realisation that I am moving on and out into the large and opportunistic world outside of school is a very exciting on it is also a very sad time for me as I move further away from this beautiful and quirky community.

I have had such a good experience at Logan Park and I have felt like I have truly been able to flourish and grow as a person in a way that I never would have been able to at a different location. What we have here at Logan, the raw culture of this school, is seriously special and I am reminded of this every day. When I come to school I never see two people who look the same. Even from the bulk of students dressed in identical uniforms the student body is always bursting with individuality and underlying tone of acceptance. This way of life for us at Logan Park is not just handed down through the generations of students but is present in and encouraged by the entire team of staff and senior management.

We have had many fantastic changes occur within my time at Logan Park, one of these being the change over and and welcome of our new co-principals Kristen Mouat and Peter Hills. We are currently the only school in the entire of New Zealand to have co-principal leadership system and I think it is a prime example of how we view equality as an institution.

Being Head boy of the school I have had the pleasure of working closely with both Kristen and Peter and I have to say that it is such a good feeling knowing that after I leave my school that I cherish so much is in such safe and caring hands.

Now this is an supposed to be an article primarily about my memories and experiences at Logan Park on a personal level so as much as I want to use this opportunity to thank everyone who has been a part of my journey and made my time here so wonderful, I might chuck in a couple of stories that showcase how I feel about my time here.

I still remember my first ever experience with Logan Park, it was my older brothers open day and I became convinced that this school was the New Zealand equivalent of Hogwarts.

Aspects that contributed to this overwhelming sense of wonderful energy probably arose from things like the live music demonstrations that would echo down the hallways or the interactive drama presentation but I think the main influence was the spectacular sight that was the science department. All of our science teachers are not only great teachers but also fantastic scientists and they certainly know how to put on a show. The mixture of coloured self growing bubbles or flames that seemed to manifest out of thin air by sheer willpower mixed with Mr Mckinney's neverending white beard convinced the naive ten year old Lucan that Logan Park was in fact a school of witchcraft and wizardry. When that fantasy and misconception became clear to me as I joined the ranks of the school myself the excitement and sense of magic never faded and I think that is why that particular memory resonates with me so much. There is never a dull day at Logan Park High School.

This school, this community and the people that surround it have allowed me to grow as a person and encouraged me to be myself and stay true to my beliefs and I am so grateful for that. I don’t think I would have received the same support and progressive environment elsewhere. If there is one thing that I want to say to the current and future students of Logan Park it is to be yourself. This is the perfect environment to explore who you are and who you want to be as a person growing up and really come to grips with yourself and knowing what makes you tick. Don’t be a certain way just because you want to fit in or you are scared to be different or because someone says you should be a certain way. Once you find yourself and become confident internally you will become confident externally, but the first step is to be sure of yourself. And Logan Park is a place that encourages individuality and creativity and people, teachers and classmates alike give a lot of respect for being genuine.

I am happy to say that the school is being passed down to the very capable of the 2019 year 13 students and I am confident that you will care for and continue to strengthen the quirky culture of Logan Park.

Be kind to one another, be kind to your teachers and make the most of our beautiful school.

Thank you to the class of 2018, my fellow year thirteens that have made to the end with me, it has been an amazing ride spending my high school years with all of you and I hope to keep in touch with as many of you as I can. And to all my lovely teachers and principals, thank you for your life lessons and wisdom you are not only all wonderful teachers but also beautiful people and it has been a pleasure to be taught and surrounded by your positive energy.

Finally to Mr Fielding, it has been an absolute blast helping you lead our mighty Aorakians towards victory, you have been a magnificent dean and leader.

Thank you Logan Park for your time.