Learning Support Class - Te Roopu
A Place Where Great Things Happen!
Our class have had another busy year this year. The students have continued to participate in their individual programs and have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of exciting learning opportunities both at school and in the community.
Some particular highlights were Volunteering for the Salvation Army where the boys learnt the value of giving back to the community and developing work ready skills.
The boys also thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to learn how to ride and care for horses with their weekly horse riding lessons.
Woodwork classes with Mr Parsons continued to be a favourite, the boys producing some fine pieces.
The students have continued with their SPEC program this year, an alternative self-directed approach to learning. Folders were submitted for external verification and moderation in Term 4. Work was of a high standard and all students’ gained their SPEC certificates, some gaining two. This was a huge achievement.
We were very proud of Jayden’s efforts in the School Cross Country this year where he placed second in his age group. This was a fine effort on his part.
We also congratulate Alex and Campbell who, through hard work and determination, have gained the skills necessary to be fully mainstreamed and are currently in the process of gaining NCEA L1. Alex also gained the Premier Yr11 English (ENA) Award this year, a fine achievement.
Thank you to teachers and all the support staff, volunteers and wider school community who have supported us this year. You have all helped to provide quality education and a safe learning environment in which everyone can participate!