PEF — May 25, 2018

In the first week of the Term One holidays, History teacher, Mr Fielding travelled with fourteen other senior teachers from throughout New Zealand to South Korea as guests of the Korean Government to visit their schools and experience the amazing culture of South Korea.

The tour involved visits to two schools, the Ministry of Education offices, numerous temples, palaces and other cultural places of interest. Also included was a visit to the sensitive border area with North Korea at the infamous Demilitarised Zone. The New Zealand soldier's cemetery at Pusan, shows, shopping and superb cuisine balanced out a fast and full week.

Surprisingly South Korean education is undergoing a rapid transformation to move away from rote learning and the pressure of constant testing. They are determined to foster creative, imaginative, free thinking happy individuals as part of their vision for helping to mould students for the twenty first century global world. In many ways they have copied the New Zealand model which is now under review in our own country.

As we are one of only a few schools in New Zealand that teach the Korean language at Logan Park and as we as a country increasingly feel linked to Asia, watch out for a possible student tour of South Korea in the next few years.