Jimmy Robinson — Dec 1, 2016

2016 has been a fantastic year for Toroa as the House has really had a chance to show both humility and our trademark friendly atmosphere in every activity we've participated in.

Our year began as it always does, with a House day packed with fun-in-the sun antics including gumboot tosses, egg-in-spoon races and a tug of war as well as a good bit of running around and swimming with the pets the teachers brought along. However this House day was unique as for the first time in memory Toroa ventured beyond Long Beach and found themselves happily lazing in Taieri Mouth. With such dramatic changes the question on everyone's mind is 'Where will Toroa end up next year?'

In preparation for Sports day a competition between Houses was held to prepare the most fearsome and awe-inspiring chant for each House. Toroa, of course put in a strong and attention commanding entry. This chant, after making a splash at the chant competition; appeared at Sports day, ensuring that Toroa was always heard regardless of whether or not we were seen amongst the winners of some events.

Over the year Toroa has had a strong showing in many of the activities that the school puts on, be it crooning our way through Kareoke week, getting our battle spirit on in the Inter-House dodgeball tournament, showcasing our individuality in the Talent week, showing our enduring spirit in the Inter-House rowing competition: Toroa has been busy getting out there and getting involved in a little bit of everything.

Toroa has spent 2016 showcasing the light-hearted attitude for which we pride ourselves, the only thing that we're more proud of than our kind House spirit is the achievements of our students, as such we'd like to congratulate Nic Tregonning and Emma Samuels being elected the Toroa Heads of House and a special congratulations to Emma for also being elected the Head Girl of the school for 2017.

Let's see what 2017 has to offer Toroa!

Toroa house chant



This is our time

We'll win the fight and then take flight

'Cause we're in our prime



Take to the skies

The Albatross shall spread its wings

Just watch as we fly