Arnika Hazelwood — Dec 4, 2020

This year's senior event was run a little differently than other years. We gave the school a week of fun events and activities, hoping to re-invent the idea of a ‘prank day’ to be a week of creating memories for the whole school.

We knew that we wanted to do something different, after all, 2020 has been a very different year. And although there have been some light hearted memorable pranks in the past, we decided the toilet papering, camera covering, stink bombing approach just wasn’t for us.

The week consisted of enjoyable no-clean-up-needed events, such as speakers playing pop songs in the corridors between class periods, a Year 13 Picture Treasure Hunt (hundreds of little photos hidden all over the school for students and teachers to find and collect over the week) and a Year 13 Teacher Dress Up; this was a nice opportunity to show our gratitude and appreciation for our teachers, as well as a beginning to the Big Goodbye we were all about to face.

We were happy with the positive energy we received from each day, and were excited about the tension we were building for the Friday finale.

The final day of our ‘Kindness’ week was when we played all of our best cards. Plans were made, trailers were driven, pictures were printed. Then on Friday morning, as students began to roll into school word started to spread; “Have you seen the library?”. A crowd forms outside the locked library door, trying to get a look at the… BOUNCY CASTLE SLIDE!?!? Yes, we did. 7m long and 4m tall. Smuggled in at the dead of night ready to be inflated Friday morning. Barely missing the ceiling when fully blown up, she was a thing of beauty. But that's not all the Year 13s were up to Friday morning; we wrote cute cleanable messages on the bathroom mirrors, blew up over 500 balloons (dispersed in the staff room and library) and created a life sized mural of our co-principals that students could take pictures with in front of our hand made ‘Class of 2020’ banner. Teachers were free to bring their classes to the library during any period, where a group of Year 13s was always supervising. Then during lunch, we shared the attention with the much awaited music concert (third time’s the charm). We ran face painting and a lolly raffle, and had a station where you could enter your collection in the picture treasure hunt to win a prize.

Overall we were pretty happy with how the week rolled out. It was nice for all us Year 13s to say our own goodbye to the rest of the school. Thanks to all the students for making the day fun for us. Logan Park is such a special place, and it will be hard to say goodbye.